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TECHSPEC® components are designed, specified, or manufactured by Edmund Optics. TECHSPEC® components are designed, specified, or manufactured by Edmund Optics. Learn More

Calibration Grade Aspheric Lenses

Calibration Grade Aspheric Lenses

  • Complete Metrology Data Provided
  • Precision Grade Aspheric Surface
  • 0.66 and 0.50 NA Lenses


Product Details

Our TECHSPEC® Calibration Grade Aspheric Lenses offer the ultimate in performance and precision available from an off-the-shelf polished aspheric lenses. Featuring improved aspheric surface figure, surface quality, and centering specification over our TECHSPEC® Aspheric lenses, these optical components are ideal for integration into R&D and OEM applications alike. With high numerical apertures, the lenses are ideal for improving the efficiency of low light level detection systems, or for applications requiring a compact optical path.

Each aspheric lens is serialized and provided with a complete metrology data package. The test data package includes a surface profile performed on our Taylor Hobson Talysurf Profilometer, an interferogram of the spherical surface, and tested values for diameter, center thickness, and centration. For custom designed calibration grade aspheric lenses, coating requirements, or volume pricing, please contact our Sales Department.

Technical Information