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Coherent® High Power Water-Cooled Thermopile Sensors

See More by Coherent®
  • Water-Cooling Capability to Withstand Laser Powers up to 5kW
  • Spectrally Flat from 0.25 to 11μm
  • Large 50mm Aperture for Accepting a Wide Range of Beam Diameters


Product Details

Coherent® High Power Water-Cooled Thermopile Sensors are designed to withstand high power lasers up to 5kW. The water-cooling mechanism reduces the heat transferred to the sensor from input lasers to prevent sensor damage when used with the recommended minimum water flowrate. This makes these sensors ideal for use with >100W power industrial CO2 and Nd:YAG lasers that exceed the power handling capability of standard thermopile sensors. Coherent® High Power Water-Cooled Thermopile Sensors cover a broad wavelength spectrum from 190 - 11,000nm, allowing for them to be used in most laser applications. A power resolution of 1W allows for these thermopile sensors to provide exceptional measurement accuracy of high power lasers. Refer to manual included with purchase for fitting and water flow specifications.