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Quartz Waveplates (Retarders)

  • Zero Order and Multiple Order Waveplates
  • λ/4 and λ/2 Retardance
  • Mounted in Black Anodized Aluminum Frame
  • Zero Order Polymer Waveplates Also Available


Product Details

Quartz Waveplates (Retarders) are available in multiple order and zero order. These waveplates are ideal for a range of applications. Multiple order waveplates are ideal for applications where the wavelength deviates less than ±1% from the design wavelength of the waveplate. For applications with a greater than ±1% deviation, zero order waveplates are recommended due to their increased bandwidth and lower sensitivity to temperature change. Quartz Waveplates (Retarders) have the fast axis marked on the edge of the mount to ease system integration.  

Laser Optics

Technical Information