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Research-Grade Variable Beam Expanders

Research-Grade Variable Beam Expanders

Research-Grade Variable Beam Expanders 532nm 1X - 3X, #87-561 1064nm 2X - 8X, #87-568 Broadband VIS 2X - 8X, #87-569 +1


Product Details

TECHSPEC® Research-Grade Variable Beam Expanders (RVBX) are ideal for high power laser applications where magnification changes may be required, such as prototyping or R&D. TECHSPEC Research-Grade Variable Beam Expanders feature λ/4 transmitted wavefront, Galilean designs, and high laser damage threshold AR coatings to ensure maximum transmittance while minimizing ghost reflections. Additionally, these beam expanders use internal translation and focusing mechanisms to variable adjust magnification and laser divergence without affecting overall housing length. This compact design removes the need to make system accommodations for changes in length and eases system integration.

TECHSPEC Research-Grade Variable Beam Expanders can be used to determine a system’s required beam magnification in the prototyping phase of development. TECHSPEC® Draconis® Broadband Beam Expanders are available for production or OEM implementation. Please contact our Sales Department for custom magnification requirements.

Laser Optics

Technical Information

2X-8X Research-Grade Variable Beam Expanders - Specifications
Design Wavelength Stock No. Fixed Overall Length A (mm) Mounting Length E (mm) Rotating Numeric Ring Length F (mm) Rotating Alpha Ring Length G (mm)
355nm #87-566 169.7 35.9 90.7 19.4
532nm #87-567 169.3 31.5 70.4 43.7
Broadband VIS (633nm) #87-569 169.3 31.5 70.4 43.7
Broadband NIR (785nm) #87-570 169.3 31.5 70.4 43.7
1064nm #87-568 169.3 31.5 70.4 43.7